International Women’s Week at Time Stylers!

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Feedback from the event included:

‘I thought Kate was amazing!’

‘I could relate to so many things that Kate was saying.’

‘Found Kate Christie extremely inspiring – Thank you for having her as a Guest Speaker’

‘Loved the candid delivery from Kate and how she engaged the room from the get-go and made it so relatable.’

‘Kate Christie was engaging, entertaining and inspirational”

‘Kate Christie captivated and inspired more than 100 business women with her presentation at our recent “Women in Business” luncheon. With humour and vitality, Kate shared her time management expertise and insights from her own journey in business. Kate’s preparation for the event, her tailored presentation for the audience and being so well organised was appreciated by guests and the event organisers alike!’

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Day #2 had Kate travelling to Brisbane as the Keynote speaker for Cox Automotive Australia, at their Women With Drive breakfast event. Cox Automotive are 100% focussed on the progress and promotion of excellent women in their business. A great room full of both Cox women and men, all focussed on how they can get back 30 hours of lost time.
Day #3 Kate backed up with Cox Automotive at their Sydney luncheon, talking all things SMART Time Investment. Another dynamic Cox team, engaged and focussed on how they can take back control of their time.
Kate finished of her week celebrating IWD back in the City of Wyndham, this time presenting for the Melbourne Cox Automotive team at the beautiful Werribee Mansion. Nothing like a stunning environment to help the amazing Cox Melbourne and Tasmanian team enjoy a little ‘Me Time’ and learning how to find and harness their lost time.
Feedback from the Cox events included:
‘To celebrate International Women’s Day for 2019, Cox Automotive Australia kicked off the Women With Drive program with three events in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. We decided to ask the very humorous and inspiring Kate Christie of Time Stylers to be our keynote speaker. From work life to personal life, Kate had great tips and tricks. She spoke about time management pain points and inspired our team members to look at how they manage their time to power up their own productivity. Kate’s presentation was engaging, inspiring and motivational to say the least. Her tips and strategies resonated with everyone in the room in all three sessions. We are all currently enjoying her book ‘Me time: The Professional Woman’s Guide to finding 30 guilt-free hours a month’. Thank you Kate for an amazing key note presentation; people are still talking about it! ‘
What a great way to spend your time!

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Design & Deliver A Dream Life
With Kate Christie

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I am an executive coach and small business coach specialising in time management, productivity, goal setting and life by design.
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Grief and loss taught Kate—a top lawyer turned time management expert for global businesses—life is too short. You need to set then chase outrageous goals. Now.
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At its heart, this book is about sharing my story so that you know you aren’t alone – that there are many women just like you who are reflecting on what’s next.
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