I don’t want to work for you – attracting the Millennial talent

Half length of multiracial business people working posing indoor, holding technological devices, overlooking serious - seriousness, business, determination concept - focus on the woman

A lot has been written about Millennials. I know this because a google search on ‘Millennials’ returns 23,000,000 hits (as compared to ‘Baby Boomers’ which returns a paltry 10,600,000 hits despite the latter having been on Earth for 40 years longer).

Why the obsession with Millennials? Well, that’s simple – come the year 2020, 86 million Millennials will be in some form of employment, representing 40% of the total working population. Moreover, by 2025 it is estimated that Millennials will make up 75% of the US workforce.

That’s a big piece of the pie right there.

So, are you ready? Do you have the right strategies in place to ensure that within the next 4-10 years you can attract, engage and retain the Millennial beast?

The best place to start with answering these questions is to diagnose what actually makes the Millennial tick. For example, according to Dr Google, did you know that:

  • only 13% of Millennials want to climb your corporate ladder, whereas 67% want to start their own business?

Oddly enough, I would argue that this is not a desire unique to the big M. If you did a straw poll of employees across the various levels of your organisation and asked whether they want to start their own business, I imagine you would get a fairly high proportion saying ‘Hell Yes! If I could come up with the next Uber, Facebook or Twitter I would definitely leave my job.’ Go figure.

  • 77% of Millennials cite flexible work hours as the key to boosting productivity.

Astonishing – but surely this is not an opinion unique to Master and Miss M? Pretty much every generation alive is on the flexibility band wagon.

  • Millennials are more likely to say they would take a pay cut, forgo a promotion or be willing to move to manage work-life demands better.

Funnily enough, if you ask pretty much any working mother in the Western World whether she too would take a pay cut, forgo the pressure of a promotion or relocate to better manage her work/ life responsibilities, you are likely to get a resounding ‘Yes!’.

  • 64% of Ms state making the world a better place is a priority for them.

Really? How altruistic of them. Is it just me, or is it a reasonable assumption to make that more than half of the Earth’s population is likely to agree with this sentiment?

We need to get over the Millennial obsession. M&Ms are no different to the rest of us. We all want challenging work; we all want to be respected in the workplace; we all want the right level of flexibility to allow us to better manage our lives; we all want to make a difference; we all wish we’d thought of Virgin Records. Move on.

Time Stylers founder Kate Christie is a time management specialist, speaker and the author of best selling book, Me Time – The Professional Woman’s Guide to Finding 30 Guilt-Free Hours a Month, which walks readers through a proven 5 step process to find and harness lost time. Connect with Kate to have her speak at your next event or to help you and your team improve your productivity.

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I am an executive coach and small business coach specialising in time management, productivity, goal setting and life by design.
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Grief and loss taught Kate—a top lawyer turned time management expert for global businesses—life is too short. You need to set then chase outrageous goals. Now.
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At its heart, this book is about sharing my story so that you know you aren’t alone – that there are many women just like you who are reflecting on what’s next.
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