The Me First Work/Lifestyle’ Group Program

You are a clever, savvy, successful woman. You appear to have it all. Really? Ummm, no. Scratch the surface and you are crazy busy, time poor, stressed and guilt ridden. You might be juggling kids or other career responsibilities. You might be working every hour of the day and wondering how on earth you are supposed to maintain the pace. Was it really meant to be this hard?


It’s time to take control of your time. It’s time to stop being busy and start being productive. It’s time to learn how to INVEST your time to create your own success.

Who this program is for…

Middle level leaders and upcoming talent who were never taught how to effectively manage your time. Women who know there is more—much more— to be had if only you had more time.

You work full or part time in a well-paid job that you absolutely love.

You are all things to all people – including any combination of: cook, cleaner, washer woman, shopper, taxi driver, teacher, nurse, counselor, sports coach, partner, mum, accountant, advisor, mentor, manager, friend, daughter, sister…

Somewhere along the way you forgot to invest in yourself.

You are ready to take control of the agenda.

This is not a time management program. It’s a time investment program. From today on, your time is not something that needs to be ‘managed’. Just like your money, your time is a precious, limited resource that needs to be wisely ‘investment’ for the greatest possible return.

Who it’s not for…

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Kate Christie

For Teams
For Teams