For Groups

I am an executive coach and small business coach specialising in time management, productivity, goal setting and life by design. I have a range of coaching options to suit your needs, style and budget. I am an extremely passionate, focused coach and will give you 100% of my time and expertise so you achieve your goals and objectives, and understand the strategies you need to implement. For more information about my products email me at [email protected]. We’ll arrange a call to make sure we have the right chemistry to ensure you achieve spectacular results.

For Teams

Here’s How We Are Going To Do You
Awesome Benefit For You

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The Life List Group Program

Every woman I know is selfless, regardless of whether she’s a mum, without children, in a relationship, single, or any possible combination of partnered or not, with kids or not.

Every woman I know is a giver.

This is a call to action to each and every one of you to give to yourself: It is YOUR turn.

The Life List Group Program is exactly what you need right now to ensure you design and live out your best life from today until forever.

The Me First Work/Lifestyle’ Group Program

You are a clever, savvy, successful woman. You appear to have it all. Really? Ummm, no. Scratch the surface and you are crazy busy, time poor, stressed and guilt ridden. You might be juggling kids or other career responsibilities. You might be working every hour of the day and wondering how on earth you are supposed to maintain the pace. Was it really meant to be this hard?


It’s time to take control of your time. It’s time to stop being busy and start being productive. It’s time to learn how to INVEST your time to create your own success.

For Teams
For Teams

Latest Global Media

Mastering the time you have for the life you want:
Expert insights and strategies from Kate Christie

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