Learn exactly how to start living your best life today—a life by design.

Join the waitlist for the next Life List program

Every woman I know is selfless, regardless of whether she’s a mum, without children, in a relationship, single, or any possible combination of partnered or not, with kids or not.

Every woman I know is a giver.

This is a call to action to each and every one of you to give to yourself: It is YOUR turn.

The Life List Group Program is exactly what you need right now to ensure you design and live out your best life from today until forever.

Join the waitlist for the next Life List program

This is not a crisis—it is a catalyst

You are ready to invest in yourself.

You haven’t changed, you just have the headspace right now to realise you want to do and be different.

And you will never be this young again, ever.

You may be wondering what happens next. Thinking surely it’s time to do things a little differently. To stop playing it so safe. To stop giving so much. To start doing the things you want to do while you’re still young enough to enjoy them.


The Life List Program is a 6-month program which gives you dedicated time and space every month to focus on YOU. You will be surrounded by a group of exhilaratingly wonderful, engaged, passionate, like-minded women who will lift you on their shoulders and cheer you every step of the way to curating and living your best life. A life by design.

6 x monthly live group calls facilitated by Kate

6 x monthly Q&A group calls facilitated by Kate

Hot seat coaching

Resource support—Kate’s frameworks, strategies, tasks and tips

Monthly challenges and accountability exercises

A ready-made cheer squad of other incredible women

Guaranteed capped numbers to ensure you get a lot of attention from Kate

Access to all recordings of the live sessions

Your Investment:  $XX

Course Overview

Section 1: Finding the Time—ensuring you have the strategies, headspace and discipline to carve out the time to design and live your best life.

Section 2: Your journey to today. Why it’s time for you to master every moment to live an audacious life as a woman on a mission and experience all of the life-changing experiences that propelled you to create your Life List.

Section 3: ‘Designing’ your Life List—we’ll work through the three steps to designing a magnificent and holistic list of everything you want to do while you’re still young enough to enjoy it.

Section 4: ‘Doing’ your Life List—we’ll work through the five steps to ensure you implement and realise your magnificent Life List goals using the power of ‘moments’.

Section 5: The Challenge—implementing your goals with support and accountability.

Section 6: Reflection, gratitude and celebration—we will reflect, express and share our gratitude for our best lives and celebrate together what we’ve achieved so far.

By completing The Life List Program you get to create your own Life List and live a big, spectacular, enormous, incredible life where you create, generate, experience and manifest a life that is MOMENTOUS. You will acquire a powerful set of goal setting and goal smashing skills and the mindset to match.

Because life is too short. You only live once. And later might be too late.

Join the waitlist for the next Life List program

A Little Bit More About Kate

It’s nice to see you here—my name is Kate. I’m a lot of people in one: time management expert, global speaker, coach, best-selling author and single mum to three magnificent children. I love them more than life itself and my life has been enriched beyond imagination by being their mum.

But let’s have a reality check here.

I had three babies in three and a half years. My darling children, like all children, are vampires in a cuter form. They are the reason I spent five years straight either pregnant and/or breastfeeding. They ruined my pelvic floor—I haven’t been able to sneeze in public since I was 30. They are the reason that my breasts no longer bounce, why my hair started to go grey in my 40s, why I have completed the final year of high school four times (and only one of these was for myself), why I have a dodgy back, why I have not gone one day in 23 years without doing a load of washing, and why I know exactly when the beat drops on some truly dreadful techno music. My eldest was born on my 30th birthday so for the last 23 years, I haven’t had even one day of the year dedicated solely to me!

In 2020, my ex-husband—the kids’ beloved dad—found out he had pancreatic cancer. Dan died in April 2021.

Losing Dan was a catalyst for me to live my best life—a life by design.  A life where I get to call all the shots on exactly what I want to do. And it is stupendous. Because life is too short not to live your best life.

And isn’t that what you want for the rest of your life too? A life where you routinely invest time in yourself to open new doors to create earth-shaking, life-changing experiences? A life where you are a little less selfless?

I don’t want you to leave it until later, because later might be too late.

For Teams
For Teams