Disruptive Time Management – On a scale of 1-20 where does it hurt?

Time Management is a misplaced concept.

Getting the most out of your day, out of your life, is not so much about effective ‘Time Management’ – it’s more about effective ‘Self Control’ .

The first step to finding and then exerting ‘Self Control’ to maximise your productivity is to be ‘Self-Aware’ – to identify the poor time habits and behaviours you have consciously or subconsciously employed for years.

Off the top of your head you can probably name 2 or 3 of your poor habits. You know you have competing priorities and responsibilities, most of which seem to have an equal level of urgency. You try to get everything done and (mostly) you do it all (fairly) well. While some tasks are permanently parked in the Too Hard Basket, nothing (too) significant has fallen through the cracks. You aren’t in crisis mode, but at the very least there is room for improvement.

Being ‘Self-Aware’ and the act of self-reflection isn’t something we often do. Mostly, and ironically, this is because you tell yourself that you don’t have enough time.

Wrong. You have the time, you just haven’t prioritised the task.

So, take the time now to assess where you rank in terms of Self Control and whether you make the most of each hour you are gifted. Complete the brief Time Stylers Diagnostic below by ticking each statement that resonates with you:

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How did you go?

[table id=2 /] To contact Time Stylers head to www.timestylers.com or email me at [email protected]

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Design & Deliver A Dream Life
With Kate Christie

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I am an executive coach and small business coach specialising in time management, productivity, goal setting and life by design.
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Grief and loss taught Kate—a top lawyer turned time management expert for global businesses—life is too short. You need to set then chase outrageous goals. Now.
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At its heart, this book is about sharing my story so that you know you aren’t alone – that there are many women just like you who are reflecting on what’s next.
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