Are you charging what you are worth? 5 Lessons from a Supermodel

Lessons from a Supermodel

I was recently asked to speak at an event sharing my experience with changing exactly what I am worth. And it gave me pause to think – am I actually charging what I am worth? How do I even calculate that? Where to start?

I am a time management specialist, best selling author of 4 books, a global speaker, coach and consultant and I work with high performing teams and individuals to help them maximise their productivity so that they can take their success to the next level. I have a reputation for helping my clients find 30 hours of lost time a month. In my experience, the moment you start maximising your productivity, you will have all the freedom and time you need to create a life you absolutely love.

But what has any of this got to do with charging what you are worth?

Everything. Because your time is money.

So, let’s take a little inspiration from 1990s Supermodel, Linda Evangalista who in 1990 famously (and perhaps a little shamelessly) stated to Vogue Magazine that she and her fellow model Christy Turlington “don’t wake up for less than $10,000 a day.”

For mine, this comment has stood the test of time and there are 5 lessons we can take from it:

Find the 5 lessons at CeoWorldMagazine

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