2018 – Embrace a Learning Mindset

Not so long ago I contributed to an article written by a journalist about time management for busy doctors. The strategies I discussed involved a range of proven approaches to managing your day differently in order to better control your time. To say that I was almost universally savaged is an understatement – who was I (not a doctor) to tell doctors how to manage their time?

But that’s just the thing. I am a time management expert. I don’t need to be an astronaut to suggest time management strategies to NASA.

What struck me, however, was that there are two types of high achievers – those who continually look to grow, learn, experience and try new ideas and those who do not. Now, just incase I am about to be slaughtered again, please be very clear that I AM NOT suggesting that all doctors fall into the latter category. Rather, what the experience highlighted for me is the difference between having a growth mindset and not.

Surely none of us are beyond growth? Every day we are exposed to the opportunity to learn. It’s so important not to stagnate. Don’t assume you know it all or that this way is the right way. Don’t risk missing an opportunity to take yourself to the next level.

To help you keep embracing a learning mind set in 2018 here is the first of a series of SMART Time Investment strategies to think about:

  1. Harness your Highs

Are you a morning person? A mid-morning starter? A night owl? When it comes to investing your time the smart way, it pays to know when you are at your absolute best.


Because when you have clarity over the time of the day that you are absolutely peakin’ in performance, you can schedule your day to match that peak. This way you only ever use your Best Time for your Best Work.

Your Best Time is your daily high energy point – when you are most creative, enthusiastic and impactful. This time must be respected and devoted entirely to your Best Work – your hardest, most demanding task which will return the highest results.

  1. Harness the Lows

Are you a late starter? Do you generally take a while to warm up? Are you an afternoon napper? When it comes to investing your time the smart way, you need know the time of day when you are at your lowest energy point.


Because when you have clarity over the time of the day that you would really rather be snoozing, you can schedule your day to match that lull. This way you only ever use your Low Energy Time for your Low Energy Work.

Your Low Energy Time is your daily low energy point – when you are slower, a little tired, and up for a nap. This time must be respected and devoted entirely to your Low Energy Work – the simple, process driven tasks that you can do with your eyes closed (literally).

Embrace great time investment in 2018.

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With Kate Christie

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I am an executive coach and small business coach specialising in time management, productivity, goal setting and life by design.
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Grief and loss taught Kate—a top lawyer turned time management expert for global businesses—life is too short. You need to set then chase outrageous goals. Now.
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At its heart, this book is about sharing my story so that you know you aren’t alone – that there are many women just like you who are reflecting on what’s next.
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